Our University

If you think distance learning means studying alone, think again. When you study with us you'll gain access to the UK's largest student community. You'll meet fellow students, staff and alumni across a range of interactive channels.

Our students union, run by students, for students. Representatives are elected by their fellow members, with the mission to be the community and voice for all students. As a student you'll automatically be a member, you'll be able to:

Connect with other students - You can meet students near you, or chat with other students online. Whatever you want to talk about, there's a whole community to interact with. You can even join one of the other groups, societies or clubs.

Get support - Juggling study and other responsibilities can be challenging - but you're not on your own. We can help you with a variety of resources, ranging from guides to a listening ear helpline service.

Be involved - You'll have the chance to have a say on the issues affecting your education. You'll also get to meet other students and talk about important issues at the conference.