English Language Foundation (Short Course)

Typical Offer
Direct Registration


Tuition Fee

Course Overview
The main aim of this course is to improve your overall English language ability. The aim is to increase your confidence in speaking and using English and to raise your overall proficiency in English.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course you should be able to:


You will study all four language skills: Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing. You will also study British Culture.
  1. Integrated Language Skills (9 hours per week). You will be given a course book for this part of the course and you will study language skills in an integrated way e.g. reading a text and then writing about it or listening to a news article and then discussing it with a partner. The type of grammar you study will depend on your current language level and needs. We ask students to ‘actively’ participate in classes so you can expect to talk and to do a range of pair and group work. This will help to activate the language you know but have not used. You will also have one-to-one tutorials with the tutor who teaches the Integrated Skills classes.
  2. Speaking and Listening (6 hours per week). These classes will involve various ways to get you to speak and use English. You will have debates (e.g. about the Monarchy) and discussions. You will be asked to do an oral presentation on your own and also in a small group.
  3. British Culture (3 hours per week). These classes aim to help you understand and learn about life in Britain, our customs and traditions which include: Food and eating habits, The Monarchy, Geography of the British Isles, British inventions, Famous writers from Britain, Brexit, Traditions such as Bonfire Night, Halloween, Princes and Princesses
About this course
Fees: £1,500
Entry: No pre-requisites
Credits: 15
Department: English
Campus: Main Campus
Duration: 1 semester
Delivery: Full-time
Study abroad: No
Module leader: Peter Parker
Student Opinion
"A fantastic course to gain a grasp of English in a short period of time."